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n. (plural of aboriginal English)

Usage examples of "aboriginals".

At night the two dolphins accompanied the Kithrup aboriginals in their nocturnal sea hunt.

The aboriginals were already upon them, waving their short arms and screaming in tiny, high-pitched voices.

Every attempt would be made to keep the first group of aboriginals healthy.

I don't know that they've ever encountered aboriginals before who wouldn't accept free weapons.

It had been his experience that alien aboriginals of whatever intelligence favored directness.

He was one of those aboriginals of Canada who had partially conformed to the habits of civilization and the doctrines of Christianity, under the influence of the French colonists and the Catholic priests.

They are terrene humans, the stocky, long-armed aboriginals that Exu derides as monkeys.

Strolling across the garnet flagstones, they have the opportunity to see all the human types in their bright and often outre garb: the martians with their back-bending stalk legs and bouffant manes, the whippet-thin wraiths of the Anthropos Essentia in their orange frocks and headwraps, and the aboriginals looking so simian in their contour jackets and flexfabrics.