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prep. (eye dialect of about English)

Usage examples of "aboot".

The minister oucht to be spoken till aboot the schuilmaister, honest man.

I write and speir him oot to Stanecross to advise wi my father aboot Isy?

English under a table, and gang hame to their mithers after, and think nae mair aboot it.

Ever mon aboot knows that the foundations of the auld tower keep goes clear doon tae bedrock.

Chekov and Glak Son, we have aboot forty-six hours, before the nova bomb hits.

Bit I could pit in ma wee finger whit he kens aboot the shuttle drive system.

But ye hae made it plain frae the poopit that ye hae nae supperstition aboot the first day o' the week, the whilk alane has aucht to dee wi' hiz Christians!

Well, I dinna like the awd whoreson prowlin' aboot, no' when there's a bonnie young guidwife here and in ma care.

He tole us lots of stores abot people he jump out on and he said sins Miss is our teachr he think no bogeymen will be in our houses bcos one thing a bogey dos not like is Miss finding him.

If this news aboot 'un has reached school today, the old 'ooman wean't have a whole boan in her boddy, nor Fanny neither.

But if you fancy somethin' mair traditional, there's gaunny be eight chippies dotted aboot the resort.

He was well impressed when I says it was the Arthurlie, but I didnae want you gettin' big-heided, so I tell't him aboot you gettin' sent aff last week as well.

There was a rumour goin' aboot that you were here the night, but I didnae believe it until I saw you.

Wey, he thought to himself, there were legends aboot the Castle rock an’.

Thohgt aboot lookin for the lassy in the pictcher, but ah wiz gettin tired an ah still hadnae had anythin tae eat or drink so ah deside, time tae go hame.