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vb. (en-third-person singular of: abduct)

Usage examples of "abducts".

And you may inform Vidal from me that the next time he abducts a young female he need not come to me for aid.

If you do not like it, Monseigneur, I am sorry, but I am not going to permit that my son abducts this Mary Challoner and then does not marry her.

But if he knowingly abducts a girl from [59] her parents, he must find out her age at his peril.

A man who abducts a girl from her parents in England must find out at his peril whether she is under sixteen.

At a scene where a perp kills one victim and abducts another there'd be enough evidence to make a movie of who did what to whom and probably what each member of the cast had been doing for the last twenty-four hours.

I'm not a man whose name nobody knows, and who comes and abducts children from houses!

The criminal abducts two girls from the picnic party and forces them into a car of the roller coaster.

Usually, the events they covered weren’t much better than: “Monkey Man Seen With Elvis’s Love Child,” or “JFK’s Mutant Ghost Abducts Shape-shifting Girl Scout.

Usually, the events they covered weren't much better than: "Monkey Man Seen With Elvis's Love Child," or "JFK's Mutant Ghost Abducts Shapeshifting Girl Scout.