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abdominal wall

n. The layer of muscles that surrounds the abdominal cavity and contains the abdominal organs.

abdominal wall

n. a wall of the abdomen

Abdominal wall

In anatomy, the abdominal wall represents the boundaries of the abdominal cavity. The abdominal wall is split into the posterior (back), lateral (sides) and anterior (front) walls.

There is a common set of layers covering and forming all the walls: the deepest being the parietal peritoneum, the extraperitoneal fat, the transversalis fascia, the internal and external oblique and transversus abdominis aponeuroses, and a layer of fascia, which has different names according to what it covers (e.g., transversalis, psoas fascia).

In medical vernacular, the abdominal wall most commonly refers to the layers composing the anterior abdominal wall which, in addition to the layers mentioned above, includes the three layers of muscle: the transversus abdominis (transverse abdominal muscle), the internal (obliquus internus) and the external oblique (obliquus externus).

Usage examples of "abdominal wall".

He went over the sick calf with stethoscope and thermometer, digging his fingers into the hairy abdominal wall, staring impassively at the calf's face to note its reaction.

Sheila helped by grabbing two bites of skin alongside Kristin's belly button with towel clips and pulling up on the relaxed abdominal wall.

Sometimes the skin of the abdominal wall doesn't reach the base of the cord, and a wide raw area is left that heals slowly.

What had been a double layer of cells along her abdominal wall now held tiny eggs ready to be fertilized .

What had been a double layer of cells along her abdominal wall now held tiny eggs ready to be fertilized.

She stitched and tied and cut so quickly that the layers of the patient's womb and abdominal wall fell together as if they had willed themselves to close.

On the other hand, if you do feel competent to open the abdominal wall, there is a variety of wasp whose larvae are particularly suited to this area.

When the wolf made its second attack, Chan's first shot hit it in the belly and burned away the side of its abdominal wall.

A white arrowhead pointed to tiny tadpole-shapes clinging to the abdominal wall.

The burn had cauterized tissue all the way through the abdominal wall-and now the dead seam had split open.