Crossword clues for abbi
n. A diminutive of the female given name Abigail.
Absalom Nyinza, popularly Abbi, is an Afro-jazz and Afro-fusion musician from Kenya. He is backed by the Kikwetu band. He sings in several languages, including Swahili, English, French, his native Luhya and some other tribal languages.
Abbi started his career in 1993 being a member of a cappella gospel group The Boyz, which was later renamed Safari. He toured the United Kingdom and Germany with the band. Later he was part of Achieng Abura's band, and toured Spain during that time.
His solo debut album, Mudunia was released in 2003. At the 2004 Kisima Music Awards he won two categories: Best male and Most Promising artist. His second album Indigo was released in August 2007. He has performed at Festival Mundial and North Sea Jazz festivals in the Netherlands and toured other countries a well. His music has been produced by Tedd Josiah of Blu Zebra studios.
He has campaigned for the Global Call to Action Against Poverty. He is among the Kenyan artistes who have been sponsored by the Alliance Française in Nairobi.
Abbi (also Abbio) was a Saxon warrior who fought alongside Widukind. He is mentioned in Carolingian annals for the year 785. He fled across the Elbe with Widukind, and after a peace was negotiated with Charlemagne in the Bardengau, Abbi and Widukind were both baptized. Abbi was probably closely related to Widukind, who was possibly his stepson or his brother in law.
Usage examples of "abbi".
Anche il capitano, sebbene fosse impegnato con tutte le sue energie a salvare la nave, mentre entrava e usciva dalla sua cabina che era accanto la mia mormorò ripetutamente: «Signore, abbi pietà di noi, siamo perduti, questa è la fine,» e altre parole del genere.
E nondimeno, in tutto questo tempo la mia mente non è stata attraversata da alcun serio pensiero religioso, a parte la solita implorazione: «Signore, abbi pietà di me!
Immagino che tu abbia da pormi molte altre domande, ma abbi pazienza e aspetta che io finisca.
Se non vuoi portare il cercapersone, abbi almeno la decenza di telefonare e comunicarmi dove potrei trovarti in caso di bisogno.