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a zillion

adj : very large indeterminate number; "a zillion people were there" [syn: zillion]

Usage examples of "a zillion".

Of course she had a zillion questions to ask, but somehow none passed the lump of emotion in her throat.

Now suppose my dream comes true and I'm the next DeNiro, Winkler, Redford, or whoever and I make a zillion dollars and buy a little mansion in Ireland (southern Ireland, of course) and even go so far as to give up U.

When the IBM PC was launched into a market which had hitherto been serviced by garage companies named after bits of fruit, it carried the imprimatur of a world-renowned name and sold a zillion, making Gates's operating system a world standard.

I said my final goodbyes to my platoon members, prepped the flamethrower, and sent a zillion pounds of hot lead into the moter Nazi alien's egg sac.

It was like if God suddenly decided to be God again a zillion years after creating the world: He couldn't suddenly come down from heaven and say, oh, you shouldn't have put the Empire State Building there, and you shouldn't have organized it so that African people get less money, and you shouldn't have let them build nuclear weapons.

People have pointed out to me that every time I put an email address or domain name in a Guide to (mostly) Harmless Hacking, a zillion newbies launch botched hacking attacks against these.

Still, tracks didn't lie, and here were a zillion tracks, all telling him that roos like to come together and tromp jungles.

Federalize all the cops, make 'em a zillion times more powerful and important.

If there was somebody undercover who'd managed 453 to infiltrate this outfit, then we wouldnae have needed you to suss out what the plan was, and there'd have been a zillion cops waitin' for them here last night.

But it's a zillion- to-one chance-and then we would have instant warning, because it would break our two-way contact.

But it's a zillion-to-one chance-and then we would have instant warning, because it would break our two-way contact.

I looked up, and there were a zillion times as many stars as we have on Earth.

It'll be a piece of gravel along with a zillion other pieces, likea pebble on the Moonor a water drop in an ocean.

There's a zillion legends where a farmer or hunter shoots a wolf, but when he goes to track the wounded beast he finds—.

There's a zillion legends where a farmer or hunter shoots a wolf, but when he goes to track the wounded beast he findsegad!