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a trillion
  1. adj: one quintillion in Great Britain [syn: trillion]

  2. one million million in the United States [syn: trillion]

Usage examples of "a trillion".

Then one day, the crucial day, the focus held for ten long minutes-something for which the odds were less than one in a trillion.

You couldn't squeeze ninety-four protons into one nucleus with only ninety-two neutrons and expect it to hang together for even a trillion-trillionth of a second.

The expense cubed as the distance squared, so that it cost a billion dollars to transmit that same mass ten light-years and a trillion dollars to move it a hundred light-years.

All we know for certain is that it is here, on the order of a trillion years old.

Muttering breathless curses at the computer, at probability patterns and at the insatiable need for living space on the part of a trillion human beings expanding in numbers like a puff of smoke, Mishnoff slithered and slipped down the other side of the slope, setting stones to rolling and rousing peculiar echoes.

A mile of lunar mountains is a long way but a trillion miles in empty space may not be.