n. 1 (context music English) The major key with A as its tonic, with the notes A, B, C♯, D, E, F♯, and G♯, the key signature of which has three sharps. 2 (context music English) The major chord with a root of A.
Usage examples of "a major".
They would have to ask the Stanhope to keep the village and the apes for them, which would make it a major inconvenience if they chose to stay in a different hotel.
George had watched a marriage crack under the weight of a major investigation.
August 1998 As she drove away from Manchester University, Catherine felt the hot buzz that burned in her veins whenever she knew she was on the verge of a major story.
For once, they did not find the need to transform the interior of a major Kundalan structure to suit their needs.
This is a major inconvenience, but Podmaster Nau regards disobedience on this point as treason.
The parks were a major overhead, but in the millennia since Trygve Ytre, they had become the deepest and most loved of all the Qeng Ho traditions.
Until then, it would be next to impossible to be a major groundside player.
With ziphead snoops, covering your ass was a major exercise in paranoia.
The new Soldier compies on Earth will be a major part of this victory.
He might be one of the youngest Keepers to hold sole power over a major Tower, but his proficiency was beyond question.
It spoke of Lauries sorrow at his passing, but it ended on a major chord, a note of triumph, then a silly little coda that made all who knew Roald laugh, for it somehow captured his raffish nature.
You needed the joining of flesh and magic in a major intimate way to be beyond the point of safety.