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a little

adv. To a small extent or degree. det. a small amount

a little

adv : to a small degree; somewhat; "it's a bit warm"; "felt a little better"; "a trifle smaller" [syn: a bit, a trifle]

Usage examples of "a little".

Nith Immmon gave a little chuckle in which rows of very sharp yellow teeth glistered in the fusion lamplight.

She staggered a little, but held on to the hilt, twisting the blade inside him, bringing a grimace to his face but no sound to his lips.

There was, in fact, a little more than a meter of space into which Eleana now crawled.

The xi-wraith gave a little yip of surprise and pain and shattered like a crystal goblet thrown against a shanstone wall.

The fire cracked and sparked, protesting a wicked gust of wind, and the cauldron in its midst rocked a little, creaking like an ancient Kundalan.

As she shifted a little to try to loosen up, her left foot slipped, and she almost pitched headlong into the pit.

Instead, she held her tightly, rocking her a little, and tried to transmit her own warmth through the Veil to her lost love.

Riane gave a little moan of longing, and for a delicious moment the kiss consumed them both in a perfumed cloud of citrus and musk.

With a little grunt of thanks, she made for this best of all possible hiding places.

She sighed, reached out to close her eyes and, with a little cry, snatched her hand away from the empty sockets.

When her lumane illuminated what she had stumbled over, she gave a little cry.

As a little girl, she worshiped him, absorbed every word he uttered to her.

For the first time he looked at her, and she felt a little shiver run down between her breasts.

With a little moan, she turned her thoughts to Perrnodt, aware that the exercise was a salve as well as a necessity.

She gestured, and the little sauromician got to his feet, the bones of his legs cracking a little as he stretched.