@midnight with Chris Hardwick (shortened to and formerly exclusively titled @midnight) is an American late night Internet-based combination scripted, rehearsed and improv panel game show hosted by Chris Hardwick, that airs Monday through Thursday nights on Comedy Central. The show is syndicated internationally in Australia on SBS2 and The Comedy Channel and Canada on MuchMusic. @midnight with Chris Hardwick premiered on October 21, 2013, before being renewed for a 40-week second season on November 14, 2013. It returned on January 6, 2014. It received a nomination for Outstanding Interactive Program at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards. It received a nomination and win for Outstanding Social TV Experience at the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards.
On July 7, 2015, it was announced that it has been renewed throughout 2016.
Starting August 22, 2016, new episodes of @midnight air at 11:31 pm on Comedy Central in US Eastern Time Zone