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The Collaborative International Dictionary

colorful \colorful\ adj.

  1. having striking color. Opposite of colorless.

    Note: [Narrower terms: changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot; deep, rich; flaming; fluorescent, glowing; prismatic; psychedelic; red, ruddy, flushed, empurpled]

    Syn: colourful.

  2. striking in variety and interest. Opposite of colorless or dull. [Narrower terms: brave, fine, gay, glorious; flamboyant, resplendent, unrestrained; flashy, gaudy, jazzy, showy, snazzy, sporty; picturesque]

  3. having color or a certain color; not black, white or grey; as, colored crepe paper. Opposite of colorless and monochrome.

    Note: [Narrower terms: tinted; touched, tinged; amber, brownish-yellow, yellow-brown; amethyst; auburn, reddish-brown; aureate, gilded, gilt, gold, golden; azure, cerulean, sky-blue, bright blue; bicolor, bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, bichrome; blue, bluish, light-blue, dark-blue; blushful, blush-colored, rosy; bottle-green; bronze, bronzy; brown, brownish, dark-brown; buff; canary, canary-yellow; caramel, caramel brown; carnation; chartreuse; chestnut; dun; earth-colored, earthlike; fuscous; green, greenish, light-green, dark-green; jade, jade-green; khaki; lavender, lilac; mauve; moss green, mosstone; motley, multicolor, culticolour, multicolored, multicoloured, painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, pied, varicolored, varicoloured; mousy, mouse-colored; ocher, ochre; olive-brown; olive-drab; olive; orange, orangish; peacock-blue; pink, pinkish; purple, violet, purplish; red, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet; red, reddish; rose, roseate; rose-red; rust, rusty, rust-colored; snuff, snuff-brown, snuff-color, snuff-colour, snuff-colored, snuff-coloured, mummy-brown, chukker-brown; sorrel, brownish-orange; stone, stone-gray; straw-color, straw-colored, straw-coloured; tan; tangerine; tawny; ultramarine; umber; vermilion, vermillion, cinibar, Chinese-red; yellow, yellowish; yellow-green; avocado; bay; beige; blae bluish-black or gray-blue); coral; creamy; cress green, cresson, watercress; hazel; honey, honey-colored; hued(postnominal); magenta; maroon; pea-green; russet; sage, sage-green; sea-green] [Also See: chromatic, colored, dark, light.]

    Syn: colored, coloured, in color(predicate).


a. a lime colour


adj. midway between yellow and green

Usage examples of "yellow-green".

In the distance, a trombone howled, and, through the trees, kilometers away, I saw the snaky, yellow-green necks of three apatosaurs rising above the fern fronds by the margin of the river.

But it is blinking in a yellow-green wavelength that to our eyes is completely obscured by the cyan emissions of the force field.

I know naught of the chemistry of colours, nor why this yellow-green medium should so clarify and etherealise the atmosphere.

The fletcher turned to the speaker, an orcish soldier with one broken tooth jutting up from his yellow-green lips.

Using color-coded hoses hanging from the ceiling, the workers sprayed tiny squirts of yellow-green frond into the shells.

But half-grown tumbleweeds, speckled yellow-green and ready to start their rooted period, were rolling through the grove towards the disturbed area.

The females had creamy yellow-green wings, very pale, their wingspans perhaps an inch and a half.

The hue was disconcerting on hides normally ranging from yellow-green to brown-green.

Its companion star, which rotated counter-clockwise as opposed to its giant brother, was far smaller but much hotter, a yellow-green furnace.

Its companion star, which rotated counterclockwise as opposed to its giant brother, was far smaller but much hotter, a yellow-green furnace.

Out in the cavern the usual yellow-green fields and orchards of spindly trees glimmered under the motley light of the solartubes which studded the axis gantry.

Hrrula's yellow-green eyes glowed with the first trace of excitement or interest Reeve had detected.

Ellindyja knots the yellow-green thread with deft motions, and takes up the needle.

Luke stabbed inside with the yellow-green blade, slashing the power conduits and computer interlinks, slicing the heart out of the weapon.

When the visitors' lot outside Laker Broome's private entrance had filled, the parents had driven past it over the grass and parked their cars all along the yellow-green length of lawn which we often took as our way down to the Junior School for lunch.