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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
solar cell
▪ A solar cell panel repays the electric power needed to manufacture it in its first few hours of operation.
▪ Note that the solar cell has an efficiency of only about 10%.
solar cell

n. A semiconductor device that converts the radiant energy of sunlight into electrical energy

solar cell

n. a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy [syn: photovoltaic cell]

Solar cell

See also Photovoltaics

crystalline silicon solar cell (as of 2005). Electrical contacts made from busbars (the larger silver-colored strips) and fingers (the smaller ones) are printed on the silicon wafer.

A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (in very early days also termed "solar battery" – a denotation which nowadays has a totally different meaning, see here), is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Solar cells are the building blocks of photovoltaic modules, otherwise known as solar panels.

Solar cells are described as being photovoltaic irrespective of whether the source is sunlight or an artificial light. They are used as a photodetector (for example infrared detectors), detecting light or other electromagnetic radiation near the visible range, or measuring light intensity.

The operation of a photovoltaic (PV) cell requires 3 basic attributes:

  • The absorption of light, generating either electron- hole pairs or excitons.
  • The separation of charge carriers of opposite types.
  • The separate extraction of those carriers to an external circuit.

In contrast, a solar thermal collector supplies heat by absorbing sunlight, for the purpose of either direct heating or indirect electrical power generation from heat. A "photoelectrolytic cell" ( photoelectrochemical cell), on the other hand, refers either to a type of photovoltaic cell (like that developed by Edmond Becquerel and modern dye-sensitized solar cells), or to a device that splits water directly into hydrogen and oxygen using only solar illumination.

Usage examples of "solar cell".

I got some dry lima beans and raisins with my Federal Pair Share Super Value Green Stamp minimal ration book for February-it took the whole book-and Phil Drum made me a tiny camp stove powered with the solar cell.

In a solar cell an electron/hole pair is created in the junction by an incoming photon, and the gradient sweeps the electron away from the junction and into the N side, while the hole gets swept into the P side.

The meter-square solar cell swayed awkwardly in the breeze, making the weapon harder to control.

Power team's already brought the nuke on-line, just in case solar cell degradation exceeds allowable.