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n. (plural of teras English)

  1. n. (medicine) a grossly malformed and usually nonviable fetus [syn: monster]

  2. [also: terata (pl)]


See teras


Terata (written: 寺田) is a Japanese surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • (born 1971), Japanese politician

  • (born 1940), Japanese politician

Usage examples of "terata".

At this time were also reported double hermaphroditic terata, seemingly without latter-day analogues.

If this be so, then the teratologic difficulty is removed, for the case becomes perfectly comparable with the well-known but rare type of double terata known as the pygopagous twins, which is placed by Taruffi with that of the ischiopagous twins in the group dicephalus lecanopagus.

According to Ballantyne, Taruffi, the scholarly observer of terata, mentions a child of forty-two months and height of 80 cm.

Although Schurig, Meckel, Himly, Taruffi, and others give bibliographic lists of diphallic terata, even in them erroneous references are common, and there is evidence to show that many cases have been duplicated under different names.

Instances of double penis have been discussed under the head of diphallic terata, page 194.

Perle di luce si staccarono dalle dita del Jaff illuminandogli il volto, che era sparuto, e il corpo, an­cora vestito come lo era stato al Mall, ma che riempiva l'o­scurità della stanza di nuovi terata, non più le bestie com­plesse che erano state in precedenza, bensì ombre munite di barbigli.