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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It would be dawn soon, then sun-up, and he did not know what he would see.
▪ Probably since sun-up, and he would not stop until it was too dark to work any longer.
▪ These are dusk to around 1.30 a.m., and from first glimmer of light to an hour or so after sun-up.
▪ They slipped away just before sun-up.
▪ To reach this desolate spot you set off at sun-up and head toward mountain ranges which scarcely ever get closer.
▪ We have spent two whole days from sun-up till sun-down in rapt conversation.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

also sunup, "sunrise," 1712, from sun (n.) + up (adv.). In local use in U.S., and, according to OED, also in Caribbean English and formerly in South Africa.


n. (alternative form of sunup English)


Sun-Up is a 1925 drama film directed by Edmund Goulding based upon a successful 1924 play by Lula Vollmer. The film stars Lucille La Verne, replaying her successful New York stage role, Pauline Starke and Conrad Nagel.

Usage examples of "sun-up".

My horse-wrangler had made arrangements with the cook to look after his charges, and in anticipation of the day before him, had our mounts corralled before sun-up.

Wolf Creek below, and orders were given to bring along every possible man from the local outfits and to meet at the rendezvous within an hour after sun-up the next morning.

He sat down, the first chance he'd had to do that since sun-up, and leaped to his feet again as the multitool he'd stowed in his cargo pocket clanged against the frame of the seat.