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a. (en-comparativeseamy)

  1. adj. morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos"; "sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal" [syn: seedy, sleazy, sordid, squalid]

  2. [also: seamiest, seamier]


See seamy

Usage examples of "seamier".

Mackey was nicely snockered on 100-proof tea, entertaining Grandma and Marjorie with a slightly slurred version of the story of her life, concentrating on the seamier moments.

There are people trying to dig up dirt on Paul, and your father is wary of your growing reputation for gravitating toward the seamier side of life.

South America, David would have picked up the seamier variations of the Spanish language.

Maginn sucked her mouth into a rosette as she divulged a seamier use of the secret passage.

The subconscious must fear and detest the conscious, he thought, as much as the aware portion refuses to have anything to do with the seamier concerns of the subconscious.

They had fled via poorly lit passageways and unguarded doors to a small Worship Hall in the seamier quarter of Carlon.

She had just been told by that Arab Gamal that it was some American girl who wanted to taste the seamier side of French nightlife.

In fact, this is where we started to see the seamier side of society, because the policeman would often come round and have a drink with us.

Moving instinctively away from the seamier part of the city, Blake headed towards the distant main streets in search of the Police Headquarters.

The young thief had just returned from his foray into the seamier parts of Beresa.