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vb. (en-past of: scurry)

  1. n. rushing about hastily in an undignified way [syn: scamper, scramble]

  2. v. to move about or proceed hurriedly; "so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground" [syn: scamper, skitter, scuttle]

  3. [also: scurried]


See scurry

Usage examples of "scurried".

They scurried to obey, but the fire was spreading swiftly, eating into the stern and dancing along the gunwale, reaching up hungrily towards the furled sails on their outstretched yards.

Moving cautiously, watchfully, Purga left the shelter of the fern, and scurried across the scrubby floodplain, through the devastated track left by the anatotitan herd, until she reached the security of the trees.

It was enough to release in her a flood of inchoate memories of how she had scurried along the branches of the great, vanished Cretaceous forests.

Noth worked the forest floor, a troop of dark little creatures scurried by nervously.

Near the closest large lake they scurried down a tree trunk, eyes wide.

Finger and the senior female, Leaf, the apes scurried through the grass toward the forest pocket.

Again Remembrance scurried for cover, screened by the huge, impassive bodies of a herd of duck-billed goats.

It was standing over a line of mole folk who scurried back and forth from tree to planting ground, oblivious to the threat that loomed over them.

They scurried in all directions, disturbed from their daily slumber, and made for cover in the rocks and pebbles.

Purga, who had scurried past slumbering dinosaurs by the light of a comet.

Not satisfied with this indignity, the peppery little agent scurried across the room and stood over Shelyid.

She returned the look with loathing, picked up her robes and scurried after Gathias as he left the ship.

Hop called to him, but the wagoner scurried away across the Parade back towards the town.

He slammed the shutter closed and scurried back up the staircase to open the iron door for the executioner.

The girl gave chase but in a half-hearted way as I scurried from corner to corner.