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a. (en-superlativerainy)

  1. adj. (of weather) wet by periods of rain; "showery weather"; "rainy days" [syn: showery]

  2. marked by rain; "their vacation turned out to be a series of rainy days" [syn: pluvial, pluvious]

  3. [also: rainiest, rainier]


See rainy

Usage examples of "rainiest".

It was the rainiest September in decades, pearl-gray sheets of water veiling the house and the hills, and the basement fiooded.

On its rainiest and darkest night, the outer world never had darkness comparable to this Stygian space.

It took me about half an hour, but the Internet is a wonderful research tool, and I was able to confirm that indeed the summer of 1899 was an unusually hot one over much of Britain, and February 1900 was one of the rainiest months on record.

Widest lens-opening this afternoon, extra tungsten light laid on, this rainiest day in recent memory, rocket explosions far away to south and east now and then visiting the maisonette, rattling not the streaming windows but only the doors, in slow three- and fourfold shudderings, like poor spirits, desperate for company, asking to be let in, only a moment, a touch .