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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Overthrow \O`ver*throw"\, v. t. [imp. Overthrew; p. p. Overthrown; p. pr. & vb. n. Overthrowing.]

  1. To throw over; to overturn; to upset; to turn upside down.

    His wife overthrew the table.
    --Jer. Taylor.

  2. To cause to fall or to fail; to subvert; to defeat; to make a ruin of; to destroy; as, to overthrow a government.

    When the walls of Thebes he overthrew.

    [Gloucester] that seeks to overthrow religion.

  3. (Baseball) To throw (a baseball) beyond; to throw too high and too far; to overshoot[1]; as, the shortstop overthrew the first baseman.

    Syn: To demolish; overturn; prostrate; destroy; ruin; subvert; overcome; conquer; defeat; discomfit; vanquish; beat; rout.


vb. (past participle of overthrow English)

  1. n. the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)

  2. the act of disturbing the mind or body; "his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset"; "she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living" [syn: upset, derangement]

  3. v. cause the downfall of; of rulers; "The Czar was overthrown"; "subvert the ruling class" [syn: subvert, overturn, bring down]

  4. rule against; "The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill" [syn: overrule, overturn, override, reverse]

  5. [also: overthrown, overthrew]


See overthrow

Usage examples of "overthrown".

Nobunaga who had taken advantage of the national chaos and overthrown the Shiba governor of Owari who had been appointed by the shogun.

But then in 1958, when the pro-British monarchy was overthrown by Qasim, the new dictator pulled Iraq out of the Baghdad Pact, allied himself with the Iraqi Communist Party, and opened a new relationship with the USSR.

Saddam would be overthrown in a nice, clean military coup, they saw no need to aid the rebels.

When the sanctions were established in 1990, they were based on the flawed assumptions that either Saddam would be quickly overthrown or that the level of pressure they exerted would be so enormous that Baghdad would have to comply lest its economy and society collapse and its people perish.

Thus, it is not enough for the Kurds that Saddam be overthrown, because a successor regime could actually be worse for them--another brutal Sunni dictator who was smart enough to abide by all of the U.

Thus Patrice Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, and Salvador Allende of Chile were overthrown as the United States had hoped, albeit not by groups backed by the CIA.

Because neither we nor they can afford to have the Jordanian monarchy overthrown as a by-product of an invasion of Iraq, Riyadh must understand that this is part of the price for conducting a full-scale invasion--something it wants.

And it has not been magic that has overthrown you, noyou saw to that long ago when you robbed me of my powers.

THE HORSES OF ACHILLES--Iliad, xvii, 426 So now the horses of Aiakides, off wide of the war-ground, Wept, since first they were ware of their charioteer overthrown there, Cast down low in the whirl of the dust under man-slaying Hector.

Declaration, that government is set up by the people to secure their life, liberty, and happiness, and is to be overthrown when it no longer does that, is often traced to the ideas of John Locke, in his Second Treatise on Government.

In Guatemala, in 1954, a legally elected government was overthrown by an invasion force of mercenaries trained by the CLA at military bases in Honduras and Nicaragua and supported by four American fighter planes flown by American pilots.

The tyrants were popular, and had it not been for the Spartan army, Cleisthenes would never have overthrown Hippias.

He has just asked me about those Persian adventurers who have overthrown Great Kings to whom they had sworn allegiance.

There was no outward sign at all that a dangerous lunatic had overthrown the government the night before, that the overlord and half his court had fled.

Then, seeing that his hosts were overthrown and his power dispersed, Morgoth quailed, and he dared not to come forth himself.