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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A sensible theorist's approach is to hope that the fat neutrino goes away.
▪ An array a square kilometre in size should see neutrino sources if there are any, Halzen says.
▪ And doing this thrilled me to my teeny-tiniest neutrino.
▪ Massless electron neutrinos playing at being heavy tau neutrinos might help solve either or both.
▪ The W then decays to an electron and a neutrino.
▪ Thus oscillating neutrinos must have mass; but massive neutrinos need not oscillate.
▪ Up until now there has been no need to believe that neutrinos have any mass at all.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"neutral particle smaller than a neutron," 1934, from Italian neutrino, coined 1933 by Italian physicist Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) from neutro "neuter" (see neuter (adj.)) + -ino, diminutive suffix.


n. An elementary particle that is classified as a lepton, and has an extremely small but nonzero mass and no electric charge. It interacts with the surroundings only via the weak force or gravitation, making it very difficult to detect.


n. an elementary particle with zero charge and zero mass


A neutrino ( or ) (denoted by the Greek letter ν) is a lepton (an elementary particle with half-integer spin) that interacts only via the weak subatomic force and gravity. The mass of the neutrino is much smaller than that of the other known elementary particles.

The neutrinos is so named because it is electrically neutral — it is not affected by the electromagnetic force — and because its rest mass is so small (-ino) that it was originally thought to be zero. The weak force is a very short-range interaction, gravity is extremely weak on the subatomic scale, and neutrinos, as leptons, do not participate in the strong interaction. Thus, neutrinos typically pass through normal matter unimpeded and undetected.

Neutrinos come in three flavors: electron neutrinos , muon neutrinos , and tau neutrinos , associated with the electron, muon, and tau, respectively. Each neutrino also has a corresponding antiparticle, called an antineutrino, which also has no electric charge and half-integer spin. Neutrinos are produced such that there is no overall change in lepton number; that is, electron neutrinos are produced together with positrons (anti-electrons), and electron antineutrinos are produced with electrons.

Neutrinos can be created in several ways, including in certain types of radioactive decay, in nuclear reactions such as those that take place in a star, in nuclear reactors, when cosmic rays hit atoms, and in supernovae. The majority of neutrinos in the vicinity of the Earth are from nuclear reactions in the Sun. About 65 billion solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.

Neutrinos oscillate between different flavors in flight. That is, an electron neutrino produced in a beta decay reaction may arrive in a detector as a muon or tau neutrino. This oscillation requires that the different neutrino flavors have different masses, and although the value of the masses is not known, experiments have shown that these masses are tiny. From cosmological measurements, it has been calculated that the sum of the three neutrino masses must be less than one millionth that of the electron.

There are several active research areas involving the neutrino. Large neutrino detectors near nuclear reactors or in neutrino beams from particle accelerators attempt to measure the neutrino masses and determine the precise values for the magnitude and rates of oscillations between neutrino flavors. These experiments are also searching for the existence of CP violation in the neutrino sector; that is, whether or not the laws of physics treat neutrinos and antineutrinos differently. Many are looking for evidence of a sterile neutrino, a fourth neutrino flavor that does not interact with matter like the three known neutrino flavors. There are also experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay, which, if it exists, would require that the neutrino and antineutrino are really the same particle. Then there are solar and cosmic neutrino experiments, which use neutrinos from space to understand the universe around us. Neutrinos are also the only identified candidate for dark matter, specifically hot dark matter.

Neutrino (disambiguation)

A neutrino is an elementary particle.

Neutrino may also refer to:

  • QNX Neutrino, an operating system
  • Team Neutrino, a FIRST Robotics Competition team
  • Neutrino, a suborbital spacecraft in development by Interorbital Systems

Usage examples of "neutrino".

The Moties probably did the polishing, they must be all through those rocks, the neutrino emissions are fantastic.

Naturally, the more energetic a neutrino, the more likely it is to induce a nuclear change and the perchloroethylene detects only the most energetic neutrinos.

The advantage of gallium over perchloroethylene is that gallium will detect neutrinos of lower energy than perchloroethylene will.

In that region, he knew, the turbulence of the Air, lashed by the neutrino storm from the Core, was such that its superfluid properties had broken down.

The number and volume of hydrogen fusions here is so great that, at times, by accident, neutrons fuse into superheavy particle pairs, but which decay instantly back into simpler particles, releasing neutrinos and other weak particles back into the medium.

Electrons and positrons, neutrinos and antineutrinos, photons with billion-light-year wavelengths all swirled through the cosmos.

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, the Creighton Mine, Laurentian University, and York University all really exist.

Therefore, the Longline continued to emit its own neutrino bursts as it left the neutron star and when it made its reversal some three hundred thousand kilometers away.

A challenge to string theory is to provide a compelling explanation of present and future neutrino data, especially if experiments ultimately show that neutrinos do have a tiny but nonzero mass.

The image showed the expected rough oblong, some hundred meters wide-but the two-or three-meter-thick slab of the neutrino tomographs was revealed now as a delicate, convoluted surface-fine as a single layer of skin, but folded into an elaborate space filling curve.

And when a proton annihilates an antiproton, it produces a pi-zero meson one-third of the time, and a charged pion, a muon, and a neutrino two-thirds of the time, after which the pions and neutrons promptly break down to electrons and positrons, photons and neutrinos.

Although SNO had been built to study neutrinos from the sun, it could detect them from anywhere in the universe.

This should give you significant relief, because right now as you read this, billions of neutrinos ejected into space by the sun are passing through your body and the earth as well, as part of their lonely journey through the cosmos.

I have read about the possibility of setting up a modulated beam of neutrinos that could allow communication through the Earth instead of around it.

Neutrinos proved very difficult to find because they are ghostly particles that only rarely interact with other matter: an average-energy neutrino can easily pass right through many trillion miles of lead without the slightest effect on its motion.