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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Mimic \Mim"ic\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Mimicked; p. pr. & vb. n. Mimicking.]

  1. To imitate or ape for sport; to ridicule by imitation.

    The walk, the words, the gesture, could supply, The habit mimic, and the mien belie.

  2. (Biol.) To assume a resemblance to (some other organism of a totally different nature, or some surrounding object), as a means of protection or advantage.

    Syn: To ape; imitate; counterfeit; mock.


vb. (en-past of: mimic)

  1. v. imitate (a person, a manner, etc.), especially for satirical effect; "The actor mimicked the President very accurately" [syn: mime]

  2. [also: mimicking, mimicked]

  1. adj. constituting an imitation; "the mimic warfare of the opera stage"- Archibald Alison

  2. [also: mimicking, mimicked]

  1. n. someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress) [syn: mimicker]

  2. [also: mimicking, mimicked]


See mimic

Usage examples of "mimicked".

Pucci and silently cursed the boys who mimicked his lispy speech as they passed by in the corridor.

In the most annoying and obnoxious voice I had, I mimicked what she had just said.

Neon mimicked, then smiled in the direction of the office console, wondering if Tech was watching him.

The practice was like the Videssian board game that mimicked war, but played with arm and eye and feet as well as mind.

Tory mimicked his rolling accent while he gallantly helped her on with her cloak.

He mimicked her, raising his voice and wagging his head and pursing his lips.

Cashel had already looked at the amulet by the light of the stars and the waxing moon: a lens of rock crystal whose silver mounting mimicked a spider lying on the disk and encircling it with her legs.

Sharina was acting as seemed natural for the character she mimicked tonight.

It was at her right hand that Melanie stared, thinking how the gesture of this hand mimicked scooping earth onto a grave.

However, to ease your guardian conscience, the one and only time I mimicked him, he soaped my mouth out with army issue.

Dyami mimicked the others when he was around them, but when he lay on his bed trying to sleep, all his fears returned.

Teo, who had made his compromises but still mimicked his old recklessness, related the latest jokes about the Guide and hinted at his recent sexual exploits.