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The Collaborative International Dictionary

mannitol \man"ni*tol\, n. [Mannite + -ol.]

  1. (Chem.) A white crystalline hexose ( HO.CH

  2. (CHOH)4.CH2.OH) of a sweet taste obtained from a so-called manna, the dried sap of the flowering ash ( Fraxinus ornus); -- called also mannite, and hydroxy hexane. Cf. Dulcite. It is used in pharmacy as excipient and diluent for solids and liquids. It is also used as a food additive for anti-caking properties, or as a sweetener, and, illegally, to "cut" (dilute) illegal drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

    Syn: D-mannitol; manna sugar; cordycepic acid; Diosmol; Mannicol; Mannidex; Osmiktrol; Osmosal.


n. (context dated organic compound English) mannitol

Usage examples of "mannite".

This root, and the flowers, have an odour of anise, which is due to their containing some volatile oil identical with mannite.

The chief constituent of Manna is a peculiar, crystallizable, sweet principle called Mannite or Manna Sugar, present to the extent of about 70 per cent.

According to Volg, Phamacognisie, 1892, it is still used in Central Europe in veterinary medicine, and Ludwig and Busse (1869) found it to contain mannite, mycose, pectin, mycogum, mycodextrin and mycoinulin.