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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A tall, drunk-looking woman in a red jump-suit swayed in the doorway. holding on to the outside of the jamb.
▪ Anne tried to get her fingers into the jamb, but could not.
▪ I stayed in the one house left standing, a guest house in a ghost town of cracked jambs and gaping doorways.
▪ I went up to the mystery door and slid my strip of steel between it and the jamb.
▪ Kirov waited patiently for several minutes before the door created open and Zhukov's bearded face peered round the jamb.
▪ She pushed her shoulder away from the jamb and turned and slip-slopped across the hare study floor.
▪ The sides, or jambs, must also be straight, plumb and square with the sill.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Jamb \Jamb\, v. t. See Jam, v. t. & i.


Jamb \Jamb\, Jambe \Jambe\, Jambeau \Jambeau\, n. See Jambes.


Jamb \Jamb\, n. [Prov. E. jaumb, jaum, F. jambe a leg, jambe de force a principal rafter. See Gambol.]

  1. (Arch) The vertical side of any opening, as a door or fireplace; hence, less properly, any narrow vertical surface of wall, as the of a chimney-breast or of a pier, as distinguished from its face.

  2. (Mining) Any thick mass of rock which prevents miners from following the lode or vein.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

side-piece of a door, window, etc., early 14c., from Old French jambe "pier, side post of a door," originally "a leg, shank" (12c.), from Late Latin gamba "leg, (horse's) hock" (see gambol).


n. 1 (context architecture interior decorating finish carpentry English) The vertical components that form the sides of a door frame, window frame, or fireplace, or other opening in a wall. 2 (context mining English) Any thick mass of rock that prevents miners from following the lode or vein.


n. upright consisting of a vertical side member of a door or window frame


A jamb (from Fr. jambe, leg), in architecture, is the side-post or lining of a doorway or other aperture. The jambs of a window outside the frame are called “reveals.” Small shafts to doors and windows with caps and bases are known as “jamb-shafts”; when in the inside arris of the jamb of a window they are sometimes called "scoinsons."

A doorjamb, door jamb (also sometimes doorpost) is the vertical portion of the door frame onto which a door is secured. The jamb bears the weight of the door through its hinges, and most types of door latches and deadbolts extend into a recess in the doorjamb when engaged, making the accuracy of the plumb (i.e. true vertical) and strength of the doorjambs vitally important to the overall operational durability and security of the door.

The word "jamb" comes from the French "jambe", meaning "leg".

Jamb (disambiguation)

A jamb is the side-post or lining of a doorway or other aperture.

Jamb may also refer to:

  • Doorjamb, the vertical portion of the frame onto which a door is secured
  • Jamb, Wardha, a town in Wardha district, Maharashtra, India
  • Jellia Jamb, a fictional character from the Oz series by L. Frank Baum
  • Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, Nigeria's official entrance examination board for tertiary-level institutions
  • Jamb, Nanded, a village in Nanded district of India

Usage examples of "jamb".

E Seregil and Alec crept up the northeast tower stairs to the second floor of the keep and found the door unbarred, though there were brackets set on both sides of the jamb.

The Dreegh, Jeel, was leaning idly against the jamb of the bathroom door, a dark, malignantly handsome man, with a faint, unpleasant smile on his lips.

The door caught on the security chain, and when I got to the foyer I could see Mooner looking in at me between door and jamb.

Tuck found one more lamp and lit it, Patrel propped the kitchen door in its jamb, for the most part sealing out the wind and snow.

Both had brought their viciousness into her house uninvited, one through words in a magazine and the other through a tiny crack in a window frame or door jamb.

Littleville lay along the Blackbury a few miles north of the Jambs, a centerless town really except for an unusual pudding-stone post office and a Baptist church from a model-train village.

I want you to frame it in with lintel and jambs to match the doors here, then set a stout oaken door in that frame.

Rosie Mucho always did it when she came into the Jambs from her house in Stonykill, even though her old station wagon, huge as a boat, pitched and rolled like one too as she came over the mountain road.

The streets of Blackbury Jambs are a series of traverses leading down to the waterfront main street that connects the two bridges.

She drove back toward Blackbury Jambs, but instead of crossing the bridge into town she took the leftward way and went north along the Shadow River road.

Late, her wagon still ridiculously packed with her life, Rosie drove into Blackbury Jambs for her appointment with Allan Butterman.

Afternoon was late when she drove out of the Jambs, autumn afternoon closing suddenly.

Most of it goes to the same people every year, continuing grants: the Blackbury Jambs Library, the wildlife sanctuary, the Parr Home.

The reasons why Pierce in the end really did leave Barnabas College and the city and go to live in Blackbury Jambs in the Faraway Hills were the same reasons for leaving he had once given to Spofford: love and money.

By the way I have heard that down in Blackbury Jambs there is a nice apt.