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  1. 1 equipped or bedecked with guns 2 shot by guns v

  2. (en-pastgun)


See gun

  1. n. a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)

  2. large but transportable armament [syn: artillery, heavy weapon, ordnance]

  3. a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability) [syn: gunman]

  4. a professional killer who uses a gun [syn: gunman, gunslinger, hired gun, gun for hire, triggerman, hit man, hitman, torpedo, shooter]

  5. a hand-operated pump that resembles a gun; forces grease into parts of a machine [syn: grease-gun]

  6. a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas" [syn: accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle]

  7. the discharge of a gun as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "a twenty gun salute"

  8. [also: gunning, gunned]

  1. v. shoot with a gun

  2. [also: gunning, gunned]

Usage examples of "gunned".

Magnum and had gunned down the killer, their father could have faced criminal charges.

SEPTEMBER 1941, German SS troops, assisted by Ukrainian militiamen, gunned down 34,000 Jews at a place called Babi Yar.

Will was saying that middle-class Americans would only support gun control if their own children were being gunned down.

Fay Stender was gunned down by an operative of Panther leader George Jackson.

After her son was gunned down at a 1999 Martin Luther King Day rally, Graham became active in the antigun cause.

She had gunned down twenty-three-year-old Kikko Smith with three shots from a .

I personally knew one of the people gunned down by Colin Ferguson on the Long Island Railroad.

As he gunned his vehicle out into the street, the most intense light source was the rope of cyan bolts ripping skyward from the cupola of the leading tank.

He spun his vehicle in an angry circle, rubbing its low side skirts, and gunned it toward the entrance.

How many human beings had he proudly Gunned in his years of city service--brave, rational citizens who desperately wanted to live beyond their twenty-first birthdays?

The wise old immortal gunned down by the out-of-town thug, just because he happened to take on the persona of a murderous fugitive?

At that speed he would arrive after dark and be in a position with his fast, heavily gunned ships, well trained in night operations, to surprise and destroy American forces pursuing the battered carriers.

United States had stopped demanding reparations after a Freedom Party man gunned down the Confederate President in Alabama.

The young private was as stunned as everyone else by the grounds-eye view of the devastation, but he gunned the big tank and pulled it slowly forward into the devastation.

Then he put the Suburban into gear and gunned it around the big mortar track in front of him.