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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1917, from American Spanish gruñon "grunting fish," from grunir "to grunt," from Latin grunnire, from Greek gryzein "to grunt," from gry "a grunt." The unrelated American fish called the grunt is "so called from the noise they make when taken."


n. Either of two small fish, of the genus (taxlink Leuresthes genus noshow=1), found along the coast of Mexico and southern California, that spawn in the wet sand at certain high tides.


Grunion are two fish species of the genus Leuresthes: the California grunion, L. tenuis, and the Gulf grunion L. sardinas. They are sardine-sized teleost fishes of the Atherinopsidae family of New World silversides, found only off the coast of California, USA, and Baja California, Mexico, where the species are found on both the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California coasts. Many people enjoy catching grunion at events called "grunion runs."

Grunion are known for their unusual mating ritual wherein at very high tides, the females come up on to sandy beaches where they dig their tails into the sand to lay their eggs. The male then wraps himself around the female to deposit his sperm, and for the next 10 days the grunion eggs remain hidden in the sand. At the next set of high tides, the eggs hatch and the young grunion are washed out to sea.

A related species, the false grunion (Colpichthys regis), lives in the Gulf of California. Although the fish looks and acts similarly, it does not have the same breeding method.

Usage examples of "grunion".

Apparently there are no more Human passengers left on board, so she can stop over at Damiem until the ship comes back from Grunions Rising to pick them all up again.

I selected Grunions Rising as the last stop in the list, which I have already compiled.

A student of water-worlds, bound for the next planet, Grunions Rising, and at Damiem by error.

Gigafords The Supernova Supermarket We have Everything, from Aardvarks to Zigguraats, Bifurcates to Billingsgate, Deicide to Deodorize, Grunions to Gryphons, Hernias to Hopolites, Kiangs to Kindersang, Ribosomes to RibaldGnomes, Thermometor to Thermidor, Zugzwang to ZwitterionIet cetera.