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grudge match

n. a bout between two teams or competitors who have a history of competitiveness between them

Grudge Match (website)

Grudge Match, also known as the WWWF (World Wide Web Fights), is a website that stages fictitious fights and contests between pop culture characters and icons. Highly interactive, Grudge Match is almost exclusively text-based and relies on viewers to vote for the outcome of matches and comment on the matches with their own insights.

Grudge Match

Grudge Match may refer to:

  • Grudge Match (website), a website that staged fictitious fights and contests between pop culture figures
  • Grudge Match (film), a 2013 film starring Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro
  • "Grudge Match" (TMNT episode), an episode of the TV series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • The Grudge Match, a short lived, 1991 television series hosted by Jesse Ventura
  • Grudge Match, the 35th episode of Justice League Unlimited tv series.
Grudge Match (film)

Grudge Match is a 2013 sports comedy film starring Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone as aging boxers stepping into the ring for one last bout. Stallone and De Niro have both previously been in successful boxing films ( Rocky and Raging Bull, respectively) and worked together in Cop Land. The film is directed by Peter Segal. It was previously scheduled for a January 10, 2014 release, but was moved up to December 25, 2013.

Usage examples of "grudge match".

The folk had endured countless lesser matches in anticipation of this grudge match, this blood feud.

The planetary national sport is the grudge match, at which they are undisputed past masters.

A crowd had followed them from the temple to watch what was all too clearly a grudge match.

Of course, the interstate people at the championships don't know it's a grudge match though some of the Victorians do.

Nobody is ever going to believe that the raid on Darvell was a private grudge match.