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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
pop culture
▪ Nevertheless, it made a large splash in the pop culture.
▪ Trust me, the pop culture handwriting is on the wall.
▪ Who knows, his storytelling skills may even have something to do with the current pop culture trends.
pop culture

n. popular culture

Pop Culture (song)

"Pop Culture" is a mash-up song created by Hugo Pierre Leclercq, better known by his stage name, Madeon. The song was created on-the-fly by Leclercq, when he was seventeen years old, using 39 samples from other popular songs, mixed using Ableton Live software controlled with a Novation Launchpad. Leclercq recorded video of him creating the mix which he uploaded to YouTube on 11 July 2011. The video went viral within a few days, and since has seen more than 31 million views. The video drew attention to Leclercq and would lead to him becoming signed by Columbia Records and launching his music career.

Usage examples of "pop culture".

James Bond, and Batman, not to speak of Tiffany lampshades, Super-Balls, iron crosses, pop sunglasses, badges and buttons with protest slogans or pornographic jokes, posters of Allen Ginsberg or Humphrey Bogart, false eyelashes, and innumerable other gimcracks and oddities that reflect--are tuned into--the rapidly changing pop culture.

In his hands, DOOM PATROL runs the gamut of pop culture possibilities, consuming words, images, and styles with a vengeance.

It just happened to be the sliver that controls news and pop culture.

We're being influenced by the persuasions of pop culture to accept that such characters have value as icons, and thus we are in effect pledged to a hidden, magical consensus we don't believe in and in no way exemplify.

Blaylock, Newman joyfully yokes pop culture images and historical figures and events in often unlikely but provocative juxtapositions.

He seemed to look at things not so much as an academic but as a very smart and curious explorer--a documentary filmmaker, perhaps, or a forensic investigator or a bookie whose markets ranged from sports to crime to pop culture.