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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fan \Fan\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fanned; p. pr. & vb. n. Fanning.] [Cf. OF. vanner, L. vannere. See Fan, n., Van a winnowing machine.]

  1. To move as with a fan.

    The air . . . fanned with unnumbered plumes.

  2. To cool and refresh, by moving the air with a fan; to blow the air on the face of with a fan.

  3. To ventilate; to blow on; to affect by air put in motion.

    Calm as the breath which fans our eastern groves.

  4. To winnow; to separate chaff from, and drive it away by a current of air; as, to fan wheat.
    --Jer. li. 2.

  5. To excite or stir up to activity, as a fan excites a flame; to stimulate; as, this conduct fanned the excitement of the populace.

    Fanning machine, or Fanning mill, a machine for separating seed from chaff, etc., by a blast of air; a fanner.


vb. (en-pastfan)


adj. especially spread in a fan shape; "the peacock's fanned tail"; "the spread-out cards" [syn: spread-out(a)]

  1. n. a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces

  2. an enthusiastic devotee of sports [syn: sports fan]

  3. an ardent follower and admirer [syn: buff, devotee, lover]

  4. [also: fanning, fanned]

  1. v. strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher)

  2. make (an emotion) fiercer; "fan hatred"

  3. agitate the air

  4. separate from chaff; "She stood there winnowing grain all day in the field" [syn: winnow]

  5. [also: fanning, fanned]


See fan

Usage examples of "fanned".

She led the way back to the room where, a short time before, Fabian had sprawled on a sofa and I had fanned him with the peacock-feather fan.

They fanned out, peering through view-ports into the red-lit interiors of the two cylinders.

The living room was neat, magazines fanned across a coffee table for easy selection, glass coasters piled on a small stand by a lounge chair and family photos arranged on the wall.

Duke fanned himself with an air, handling the chicken-skin like a woman.

Behind us, in quiet ranks, several thousand of the common people fanned out over the low silver-gray hills.

A box of laminates teetered and fell and fanned clear laminates all over the wet floor.

In the peculiar light that remained, two faint streamers of blue light fanned out from the tuft.

Another employee fanned the coals in the porcelain brazier to warm the chill in the open-fronted shop.

He replaced the half-empty tobacco canister with a full one and fanned the coals in the brazier.

The young splashed and swam in the cool water, and the old fanned themselves in the shade.

It fanned its wings slowly and then, in a single motion, took to the air.

The suitcase was handed over to Vinnie, who opened it discreetly and fanned through the money inside.

She kicked off her sandals and pinned her hair haphazardly on her head, grateful for the cool zephyr from the south that fanned the back of her neck.

A dais had been constructed at one end of the hall and several chairs fanned to the sides of it.