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dog meat

alt. 1 Meat from a dog eaten as food by certain cultures. 2 Meat prepared to be given to a dog as food. n. 1 Meat from a dog eaten as food by certain cultures. 2 Meat prepared to be given to a dog as food.

Dog meat

Dog meat refers to the flesh and other edible parts derived from dogs. Historically, human consumption of dog meat has been recorded in many parts of the world, including East and Southeast Asia, West Africa, Europe, Oceania and the Americas.

In the 21st century, dog meat is consumed in many parts of China, Korea and Vietnam, parts of Thailand, Switzerland, as well as parts of Europe, Americas, the African continent, such as Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia.

Today, a number of cultures view the consumption of dog meat to be a part of their traditional and day-to-day cuisine, while others - such as Western culture - consider consumption of dog to be a taboo, although they have been consumed in times of war and/or other hardships. It was estimated in 2014 that worldwide, 25 million dogs are eaten each year by humans.