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vb. (en-pastdivvy)

  1. n. short for dividend; especially one paid by a cooperative society

  2. [also: divvied]


See divvy

Usage examples of "divvied".

Missy and Star were home with Micah, all three well fed by the beef stew that Maida had brought Poppy, which Poppy had quickly divvied up and delivered to Micah along with the girls, and there was Griffin, who had helped Micah all day and was now badly in need of a shower and food.

Band-Celestials drew the attention of the Severeemish as the young women divvied up extra charges for their energy tubes and rocket magazines for their launchers.

Bloom talked about the history of the north, about land grants and how they had been lost, strayed, or stolen, divvied up.