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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ We stood around the corral watching a cowboy saddle the horse.
▪ After lunch we gather at the corral.
▪ Empty saddles in the old corral My tears would be dry tonight.
▪ Even the corrals had weeds in them, because the horses were gone.
▪ In addition, they gave equestrian center managers permission to add 17 corrals and space for up to two dozen more horses.
▪ Surrounding the farm area were some eight acres of yards and corrals, suitable for sheep and cattle.
▪ The signs of depopulation are all around: the remains of a school, a corral and houses just down the valley.
▪ We went to the corral and caught and saddled the horses.
▪ Keep the kids corralled safely in the backyard.
▪ Lewis couldn't be corralled for an interview.
▪ Ideas do not exist in a vacuum, free-floating in outer space, waiting to be corralled.
▪ Social psychologist Rowland S.. Miller, however, has corralled eight reasons by drawing on years of research in psychology.
▪ The majority, over 2000, were slowly corralled and herded into Trafalgar Square, where they were detained for 4 hours.
▪ The media strained against the yellow stanchion that kept them corralled toward the back.
▪ The secret of exciting pop lies in corralling a succession of brilliant moments.
▪ We could corral them into one big mass of frightened bugs.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Corral \Cor*ral"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Corraled (-r?ld" or -r?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. Corralling.] To surround and inclose; to coop up; to put into an inclosed space; -- primarily used with reference to securing horses and cattle in an inclosure of wagons while traversing the plains, but in the Southwestern United States now colloquially applied to the capturing, securing, or penning of anything.


Corral \Cor*ral"\ (k?r-r?l"; Sp. k?r-r?l"), n. [Sp., a yard, a yard for cattle, fr. corro a circle or ring, fr. L. currere to run. Cf. Kraal.] A pen for animals; esp., an inclosure made with wagons, by emigrants in the vicinity of hostile Indians, as a place of security for horses, cattle, etc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, from Spanish corral, from corro "ring," Portuguese curral, of uncertain origin. Perhaps ultimately African, or from Vulgar Latin *currale "enclosure for vehicles," from Latin currus "two-wheeled vehicle," from currere "to run."


1847, from corral (n.); meaning "to lay hold of, collar," is U.S. slang from 1860. Related: Corraled.


n. 1 An enclosure for livestock, especially a circular one. 2 An enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group. 3 A circle of wagons, either for the purpose of trapping livestock, or for defense. vb. To capture or round up.

  1. n. a pen for cattle [syn: cow pen, cattle pen]

  2. v. enclose in a corral; "corral the horses"

  3. arrange wagons so that they form a corral

  4. collect or gather; "corralling votes for an election"

  5. [also: corralling, corralled]

Corral (disambiguation)

A corral is an enclosure for livestock. The term may also refer to one of the following:

  • Corral, Chile, a town and municipality in Chile
  • Corral, Idaho, an unincorporated community in the United States
  • Corral Bay
  • Corral (defense), a defense circle of wagons
  • The gunfight at the O.K. Corral, which occurred behind the livestock enclosure in Tombstone, Arizona
  • Corral (film), a 1954 National Film Board of Canada documentary
  • Hamburguesas El Corral A Colombian fast-food restaurant chain
  • Corral (puzzle), a logic puzzle
  • Corral del Carbón, a building in Granada, Andalusia (Spain)
Corral (Chile)
  1. redirect Corral, Chile
Corral (film)

Corral is a 1954 short film documentary made by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), as part of the postwar Canada Carries On series. The film was directed by Colin Low and produced by Tom Daly. Corral featured cinematography by Wolf Koenig with Eldon Rathburn composing the film score.

Usage examples of "corral".

As they circled the dusty corral Sheriff Wigan related the sad tale of Bubblehead Burnside, a hitherto harmless village idiot gone wrong.

When the rest of the party had ridden away, Marvel and Butts found themselves alone at the corral.

Obviously the intent was not only to get the smelly, sweaty group cleaned up but to get them some more practice riding, so Herzer reluctantly walked over to the corral after the last chukker and whistled up Diablo.

Near by is a cornhouse and a small distillery, and the corrals for sheep shearing are not far off.

To the question if he was in the ranch at present, fortune favored me, as Fidel and nearly all the regular vaqueros were cutting timbers in the encinal that day with which to build new corrals at one of the outlying tanks.

She returned to the house to start supper when he had worked both the bays, had housed them into a square corral leaving the grulla alone in the round corral.

He nodded toward the lean, narrow-headed grulla that idled alone near the far wall of the corral.

The lean-to served as a wood store and corral, having a hollow-log watertrough beneath it and a hayrack fitted to the wall of the cabin.

The reporter and his assistant became in a short time very skilful operators, and they obtained fine views of the country, such as the island, taken from Prospect Heights with Mount Franklin in the distance, the mouth of the Mercy, so picturesquely framed in high rocks, the glade and the corral, with the spurs of the mountain in the background, the curious development of Claw Cape, Flotsam Point, etc.

The colonists, after leaving the plateau of Prospect Heights, immediately took the road to the corral.

Jo showed the telegram to Heine Schultz when she went to the corrals this morning.

A stallion neighed from the stable corral, and from the ridge behind Jackknife Canyon the Emperor of Ganado answered him.

Inside the gates, middies on special duty corraled the cadets-to-be, and every few minutes took a group of them to the Admin Building, where their Naval careers would commence.

At forty-seven minutes past nine they had traversed three out of the five miles which separated the mouth of the Mercy from the corral.

Some trucks carried hay bales which farmers dumped into dusty corrals or into minuscule overgrazed plots for horses and sheep.