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Buty is a Czech music group, originally from Ostrava, formed in 1986 by Richard Kroczek and Radek Pastrňák. The founding members were soon joined by Vít Kučaj, Ivan Myslikovjan and Luděk Piásečný. The name of the group means „shoes“ in a local dialect.

The musical style of the band can be described as an eclectic mixture of rock, folk music, ethnic music, country music, jazz, reggae and other genres, with witty, dadaist lyrics. The group became popular in Czech republic in the beginning of the 1990s, and peaked in the late 1990s, when the concerts were visited by thousands of spectators, and Buty was one of the most popular bands in the country. Buty recorded music for Jízda, a 1994 road-movie by Jan Svěrák, which also features the band leader Radek Pastrňák as one of the main characters – the PPoommaalluu album is partially a soundtrack for the movie. After the gypsy style Normale album, which is often said to be misunderstood by the media and the public, the group underwent a crisis, and now the concerts are arranged on a smaller scale.

Usage examples of "buty".

Rincer a benefit: or drive down to the Rectory, and ask Buty for a dinner.

Lady Maddon (she is the slender, graceful buty who is called the 'Willow Wand' by the gentlemen who are her servants)—she saith that this girl is a coarse thing and has so little modisty that she is proud to show her legs, thinking men will admire them, but she is mistaken, for gentlemen like a modist woman who is slight and delicate.