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a. (en-comparativebawdy)

  1. adj. humorously vulgar; "bawdy songs"; "off-color jokes"; "ribald language" [syn: off-color, ribald]

  2. [also: bawdiest, bawdier]

  1. n. lewd or obscene talk or writing; "it was smoking-room bawdry"; "they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy" [syn: bawdry]

  2. [also: bawdiest, bawdier]


See bawdy

Usage examples of "bawdier".

He was even crustier and bawdier than the rest of the family, delighting, she sometimes thought, at making her blush scarlet at his coarse jests.

The Country Wife, but to tell the truth I always preferred the bawdier version!

Julius Caesar wedding, it was more dignified by far than it was bawdy, though the weddings Sulla had attended were bawdier by far than they were dignified, so he endured the business rather than enjoyed it.

Nylan winced, knowing that the second verse would be bawdy, and the third even bawdier, then glanced at Ryba, who was grinning.