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Alternative clues for the word filthy

Word definitions for filthy in dictionaries

WordNet Word definitions in WordNet
adj. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter; "as filthy as a pigsty"; "a foul pond"; "a nasty pigsty of a room" [syn: foul , nasty ] vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor" [syn: dirty , lousy ] thoroughly unpleasant; ...

Wiktionary Word definitions in Wiktionary
a. 1 Covered with filth; very dirty. 2 obscene or offensive. 3 Very unpleasant or disagreeable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
late 12c., fulthe , "corrupt, sinful," from filth + -y (2). Meaning "physically unclean, dirty, noisome" is from late 14c. Meaning "morally dirty, obscene" is from 1530s.\n\nIn early use often hardly more emphatic than the mod. dirty ; it is now a violent ...

Usage examples of filthy.

The bounty in breasts was more evident than the bounty in almsgiving, for there were more beggars than usual, too, children with palsied hands, thin women in torn skirts and mended, filthy tunics, withered old men shoved out of the way by robust young lords who were seeking release from that boredom which is the burden of the well-fed.

The Capuchin answered me with a torrent of abuse, so the count ordered a pair of scissors to be brought, that the beards of the filthy rogues might be cut off.

It is one of the bitterest apportionments of a lot of slavery, that the negro, sympathetic and assimilative, after acquiring, in a refined family, the tastes and feelings which form the atmosphere of such a place, is not the less liable to become the bond-slave of the coarsest and most brutal,--just as a chair or table, which once decorated the superb saloon, comes, at last, battered and defaced, to the barroom of some filthy tavern, or some low haunt of vulgar debauchery.

With an amused quirk of his lips, Bloch took the ornament and draped it around my neck, above the collar of my torn, filthy tailored blouse.

The notoriety gives them a clientele that is the envy of the empire, and the usual mix was present: Bonzes and Tao-shih swapped filthy stories with burglars and cutthroats, and eminent artists and poets flirted with pretty girls and boys while high government officials played cards with the pimps.

Brownian motion, hunting for a chemotactic trail to some richer and filthier hunting ground, and periodically peeling off copies of itself.

When young men warned to be snickering boys again and told each other the coarsest, filthiest stories they could think of, it was of flathead males and women, and what would happen to a man who shared Pleasures with such a woman afterward, even unknowingly -- especially unknowingly.

During inspection, he complained that his overseer-a brute named Silas Jones-was giving him only corncracker and water, and that the water was filthy and contaminated with slime.

The Naren rubbed his filthy hands together nervously when he saw Crinion point at him.

There were also many of the darwish holy beggars, as ragged, scabby, filthy and evil-looking as those in any other Eastern city.

A stream of filthy masons and dayworkers were pouring through the gate, returning across the Force Bridge to pass the night in the safety of Zhentil Keep.

I was spitting filthy, oily liquid from my mouth, and fighting down the black terror that had me by the throat--terror of the darkness about me, of the unknown depths beneath me, of the pit into which I was cast amid stifling stenches and the lapping of tidal water.

Their rags and filthy slouched hats flashed radiant as they went, all bathed and cleaned in glory.

The Room was left mostly empty as the villagers spread through the comfortable, opaque interiors of the other Rooms, laying their filthy blankets over fleshlike floors.

My splendid son Germanicus murdered, and my poor grandsons, Nero and Drusus and Gemellus murdered, and my daughter Livilla punished for her wickedness, her abominable wickedness, by my own hand-that was the worst pain I suffered, no mother ever suffered a worse- and my four granddaughters all gone to the bad, and this filthy impious Caligula.