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Ziemassvētki , also Ziemsvētki is an annual festival which observes the winter solstice and birth of Jesus Christ. In most of the world it is celebrated from 24th to 26 December (24 December is Ziemassvētki Eve, 25 December is The First Ziemassvētki, while 26 December is the Second Ziemassvētki). Christianity traditionally celebrates the birthday of Jesus Christ on 25 December, however, in some Orthodox churches that date is calculated on the basis of the Julian calendar and, as a result, the majority of Orthodox churches celebrate Ziemassvētki on 6th, 7th and 8 January.

Ziemassvētki is a holiday in many countries, and it is also celebrated by people, whose religious belief is not Christianity. Ziemassvētki's waiting time is called Advent. Nowadays the customary Ziemassvētki traditions are decorating Ziemassvētki fir, Ziemassvētku vecītis, baking gingerbread and mandarin scent.