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yellow cake

n. 1 {{&lit|Any yellow-colored cake (gloss: dessert)|lang=en}} 2 (context figuratively English) uranium ore

Usage examples of "yellow cake".

Each afternoon about four o'clock a Spanish lady in a pink coverall would appear with a clattering tea trolley and the patients would stir to life to get a cup of tea and a slice of yellow cake, and from time to time the elusive Mr Jolly dropped by to dispense medicines or re-order biscuits, but otherwise things were very quiet.

This was a yellow cake with thick, disgusting white frosting made with lard and artificial butter and artificial vanilla and a truckload of sugar.

Biswas, thinking of deafness, dumbness, insanity, the horror of the sexual act in that grimy room, felt the yellow cake turn to a sweet slippery paste in his mouth.

However, one box contained what smelled like cake, and in fact, it tasted like plain yellow cake.

Barney appeared in the doorway, munching a large piece of bright yellow cake.

Clay would have been settling me at the kitchen table with a glass of milk and a slice of yellow cake.