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Xylobands are wristbands that contain light-emitting diodes and radio frequency receivers. The lights inside the wristband can be controlled by a software program, which sends signals to the wristband, instructing it to light up or blink, for example. The RGB version has a white strap and can emit any colour on the spectrum. The single colour version is available in green, blue, yellow, red, pink and white. The first use of Xylobands on a large scale was on Coldplay's 2012 Mylo Xyloto tour. A Xyloband was given to each member of the audience, and as the concert played, the flashing of the bands was synchronized to the music. The inventor of the wristbands, Jason Regler, stated that he had the idea for the flashing wristbands while at a Coldplay concert, during the song " Fix You".