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WYVE is a Full Service formatted broadcast radio station licensed to Wytheville, Virginia, serving Wytheville and Wythe County, Virginia. WYVE is owned and operated by Three Rivers Media Corporation.

Usage examples of "wyve".

Grisilde is deed, and eek hir pacience, And bothe atones buryed in Ytaille, For which I crie in open audience No wedded man so hardy be tassaille His wyves pacience, in hope to fynde Grisildis, for in certein he shal faille.

I sey nat this by wyves that been wyse, But if it be whan they hem mysavyse.

O woful hennes, right so criden ye, As whan that Nero brende the Citee Of Rome, cryden senatoures wyves, For that hir husbondes losten alle hir lyves, Withouten gilt this Nero hath hem slayn.

For catel hadde they ynogh, and rente, And eek hir wyves wolde it wel assente- And eles, certeyn, were they to blame!

For catel hadde they ynogh, and rente, And eek hir wyves wolde it wel assenteAnd eles, certeyn, were they to blame!

Ne suffreth nat that men yow doon offense, And sklendre wyves, fieble as in bataille, Beth egre as is a tygre yond in Ynde, Ay clappeth as a mille, I yow consaille.

Whan that the monthe in which the world bigan That highte March, whan God first maked man, Was compleet, and passed were also Syn March bigan, thritty dayes and two, Bifel that Chauntecleer in al his pryde, Hise sevene wyves walkynge by his syde, Caste up hise eyen to the brighte sonne, That in the signe of Taurus hadde yronne Twenty degrees and oon, and somwhat moore.

And so bifel, that in the dawenynge, As Chauntecleer, among hise wyves alle, Sat on his perche, that was in the halle, And next hym sat this faire Pertelote, This Chauntecleer gan gronen in his throte As man that in his dreem is drecched soore.

And this bihote I yow withouten faille, Upon my trouthe, and as I am a knyght, That wheither of yow bothe that hath myght, This is to seyn, that wheither he, or thow May with his hundred, as I spak of now, Sleen his contrarie, or out of lystes dryve, Thanne shal I yeve Emelya to wyve, To whom that Fortune yeveth so fair a grace.

Alle thise ensamples speke I by thise men, That been untrewe, and no thyng by wommen, For men han evere a likerous appetit On lower thyng to parfourne hire delit, Than on hire wyves, be they nevere so faire, Ne nevere so trewe, ne so debonaire.

Ye, and they looke so narowly uppon theyre proufittes, that the poore wyves must be countable to thym of every tenth eg, or elles she gettith not her rytes at ester, shal be taken as an heretike.