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Crossword clues for widdle

  1. (context childish chiefly US English) Little; used in imitation of childish speech. v

  2. 1 (context chiefly British English) To urinate 2 (context colloquial English) To play guitar fast. This is generally in reference to electric guitar.

Usage examples of "widdle".

So, as the kid was nursing his poor widdle hand I got to work on his character, beating him senseless with a furious combination of whip kicks and elbow smashes.

Within minutes, the pack would be in a frenzy and Mum would dispatch faithful old Widdles to the rescue.

She had a long sharp face and looked very much as though she was about to complain about the cat from next door widdling on her lawn.

The door was opened by a small, fat, rosy-cheeked woman whose little currant eyes said, yep, thars my gnome all right, and be thankful he's only widdling in the pond.

Jimmy’s few attempts at flirtation got him some surprised stares – surprised and not at all pleased, as if he’d widdled on these women’s carpets.