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Wessel is a diminutive of the given name Werner of Frisian, German, and Dutch origin. It is now more common as a patronymic surname. People with this name include:

Usage examples of "wessel".

Colin Nayre, a young man who might, at least, disclose some of the underlying clues to the movements of Murk Wessel and his gang of killers.

I am in part a Chronicler of the deeds of others, I am one of such as Ouen and Wessel who help with the preserving of the framework of Lormt so that those who come to delve there for knowledge have lodging, food, that which will keep life in their bodies while they labor among the records of the past they love.

Dr Peter Wessels who is at present head of a research team in Rock Mechanics based on the Sonder Ditch mine property.

Torston Huyberts and Pledger van der Wessels, but did not recognize or remember the titles of the official positions they occupied.

Late on the second night, the SS men are beerily bellowing the Horst Wessel song, and Jastrow is remembering the first time he heard it, in Munich in the mid-thirties.

Harve Wessel had carefully chosen the place for his lecture on the dryland method of wheat farming.

Stefan Reisner made a negative shake of his head when the locater Harve Wessel looked squarely at him.

In this action the Boers, who were under the command of Wessels, delivered their attack with a cleverness and dash which deserved success.

The other was the investment of Kimberley by a force which consisted principally of Freestaters under the command of Wessels and Botha.

He's to have them corralled at Wessels Farm the other side of Beaver Dam Lake in three days' time - that's the 8th August.

He had shown signs of returning consciousness at a gasoline station, while Wessel was telephoning Gunner, and Tony had hit him again.

He turned to walk over to the German Strasse, and was greeted by the oom-pah music of a marching band - why didn't they play the Horst Wessel Lied?