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n. (plural of wererat English)

Usage examples of "wererats".

Besides, the wererats are still there, and most of them are ex-mercenaries, or something in that ballpark.

The last time the wererats helped me I got one of you killed, and another one cut up pretty badly.

He threw his own gun spinning across the room, and the other wererats followed suit.

The men and women, wererats all, with their guns nicely pointed, moved back in two lines so the vampires had to walk between them to reach Musette.

One of the wererats was staring at the gun in his hand as if it had suddenly appeared.

The rats parted around the kneeling wererats like they were big rocks in a stream.

I found one of the guns that the wererats had discarded and felt instantly better.

Jack Larson glanced at his game plan, trying to decide how long it would be necessary to wait before letting the wererats eat the people who gave him a hard time.