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n. A mythological or folkloric shapeshifter capable of assuming the shape of a hyena.


Were-hyena is a neologism coined in analogy to werewolf for therianthropy involving hyenas. It is common in the folklore of North Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Near East, as well as some adjacent territories. Unlike werewolves and other therianthropes, which are usually portrayed as being originally human, some werehyena lore tells of how they can also be hyenas disguised as humans.

Usage examples of "werehyena".

I had a moment to wonder if they were going to hold a grudge, when the wave of rats jumped on the first werehyena, tiny teeth trying to tear through the black leather.

Angelito fired at a werehyena, sending him spinning round, falling into the mass of biting rats.

The remains of the fallen werehyena looked like it had been mauled by something much bigger.

She stumbled, and only a mass of werehyenas kept Angelito from grabbing her.

People were screaming, and the werehyenas began to fire into the small rats, blasting their bodies into red ruin.

The werehyenas hesitated, forming two groups one to either side of the vampires.

Some of the werehyenas lowered their guns, but only one threw his away.