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adj. having a full array of suitable equipment or furnishings; "a well-appointed kitchen"; "a well-appointed apartment" [syn: well-appointed]

Usage examples of "well-found".

But there was still more scandal when it was learned that on the night of the murder, Mary Miles Minter, followed by Mabel Normand, had separate trysts with Taylor his reputation as a Lothario was apparently well-founded.

I had taken so lately such well-founded and philosophical resolutions, and I was not yet sufficiently at my ease to value the pain of being tempted.

But the last two decades of research by hundreds of dedicated physicists and mathematicians from numerous countries have given us well-founded hope that we are on the right and possibly final track.

Bay of Biscay, with not a few fine, modern, well-found warships at instant readiness should word come of English pirates raiding this coast.

What are the chances, however, in spite of our apparently well-founded faith, that some bristle-headed local chemist with a fighting chin will not spring up at an arsenic-poisoning trial and, with new facts about the substance, blow to pieces the cocksure evidence of the leading expert in pathology?

As the massive door clicked softly behind the elderly stenographer, the last of the procession, Bibbs had a feeling that they all understood that he was a failure as a great man's son, a disappointment, the "queer one" of the family, and that he had been summoned to judgment--a well-founded impression, for that was exactly what they understood.

Yet well-founded though it was, his affection would not run to discussing the merits of different kinds of copper-bottomed tin-bodied well-kettles for an equal length of time.

They watched the young woman attach herself to the arm of Mr Joyce of the Kite transport, and as they walked along, Pullings, more coherent now that he was relieved of a sense of guilt--for very strangely his officers looked upon Jack Aubrey as a moral figure, in spite of all proofs to the contrary--expatiated on the merits of his prize, a privateer schooner, copper-fastened, wonderfully well-found.

GODSTOKE, SUNK IN ITS DEEP, WOODED VALLEY BETWEEN THE HILLS, was held by the priory of Wenlock, a third of the manor fanned in demesne, the rest leased out to life tenants, a prosperous settlement, and well-found in stores and firing for the winter.

By noon most well-found ships would be carrying all plain sail and making their maximum speed, while one of the King's ships in a hurry would cheerfully hoist out studding sails.

No wonder princes and chiefs around here were not quite so concerned about Saxon invasions, despite the well-founded rumors that Aelle and his sons intended to expand beyond their pale near Eburacum.

For they must always recall that the King of Leon and Catalonia had troops not too far distant from Gijon and that San Sebastian, a short sail to eastward, was that monarch's principal naval base on the Bay of Biscay, with not a few fine, modern, well-found warships at instant readiness should word come of English pirates raiding this coast.

For they must always recall that the King of Leon and Catalonia had troops not too far distant from Gij6n and that San Sebastian, a short sail to eastward, was that monarch's principal naval base on the Bay of Biscay, with not a few fine, modern, well-found warships at instant readiness should word come of English pirates raiding this coast.

Ordinarily this was the most agreeable part of a voyage in a well-found ship, this rolling down the Trades in warm but flot yet oppressive sunshine, never touching sheet nor brace, the people making their hot-weather clothes on deck by day and dancing on the forecastle in the evening.

Her nightmare visions of what was to happen at the water oak had proved to be well-founded.