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weed killer

n. a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth [syn: herbicide, weedkiller]

Usage examples of "weed killer".

And we out of weed killer-use de last from Wyevale Garden Centre, two, tree year ago.

That means using our weed killer explosive for the cannon-with trial and error being the only way of working out the right load.

The liver-spotted dog lay stiff as a board in the tiny shed behind her cottage where she kept her few gardening supplies, one of them weed killer.

Someone went through spraying weed killer on it, Roundup or something like it.

There were also three aerosol tank sprayers similar in size and appearance to those used to spread weed killer and insecticide on a lawn, except that these were not powered by a hand pump but by cylinders of compressed air.

What I'd really like, of course, is not to have to bother with lugging kilo bags of sugar and tins of weed killer back from the town to stuff into electrical-conduit piping which Jamie the dwarf gets for me from the building contractor's where he works in Porteneil.