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n. (plural of watchmaker English)

Usage examples of "watchmakers".

Blaine let the Watchmakers get loose on his ship, but Christ, it was impossible to get Moties into Lenin!

The Watchmakers were potentially the most valuable thing I had ever seen," Bury said.

And so we arranged it, a pair of Watchmakers in suspended animation, hidden in an air tank.

MacArthur was lost to us, the Watchmakers were running wild throughout the ship, changing the machines for their own use, killing Marines who peeped into their nests.

We all saw how useful Watchmakers were when properly used by the Engineer class of Moties.

As to the Kaffee Klatch, the Watchmakers had reworked MacArthur's coffeepot months after we thought we'd cleaned them out.

The base would house Watchmakers and Engineers, many ships, a few Warriors, more Masters, and always, at least one pair of Mediators.

Engineers and tiny Watchmakers stripped away sections of hull and plated them over their own ship.

Engineers and Watchmakers were moving over the surface of their own life bubble.

The Engineer and three skinny half-meter Watchmakers, and a slender creature with a harelip and long, delicate fingers and toes, had reshaped the hole in the cabin wall into an oval airlock.

The Watchmakers covered the walls with lines and curves, and presently converged where the sewage recycling system had been.

One question sent the Engineer to join its Watchmakers at work in the air recycler.

It spoke a word and tossed the gold at one of the Watchmakers, who caught it and jumped through the new airlock.

Before he'd finished, the Engineer and three Watchmakers were already at work on him.

Engineers and Watchmakers had been at work on his suit, and he could only hope-there, the pouch of meteor patches.