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Usage examples of "washo".

Jace knew the story well, and he repeated it over and over to himself, never wanting to forget how the white man had robbed the Washo and Paiute of their hunting grounds.

Even though the Washo accepted their fate bravely and managed to exist without retaliation against the white man, they were punished along with the Paiutes.

It was the railroad that had killed his father, and Jason hated it even more than the those white men who first changed the Washo land.

Generations of Washo will hear how Star Dancer came from the future and honored Gray Wolf with this gift.

When the Coyote-god heard of this, he poisoned the arrowheads so any Washo who picked one up died.

When the monster train approached the gentle Washo, Jace screamed his rage until his throat was raw.

Indian, an unfriendly Indian, who followed me, and Washo knew it when I told my story!