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vb. (obsolete spelling of used nodot=1 English); (en-past of vse nocap=1)

Usage examples of "vsed".

Ere long with like againe he boorded mee,Saying, he now had boulted all the floure,And that it was a groome of base degree,Which of my loue was partner Paramoure:Who vsed in a darksome inner bowreHer oft to meet: which better to approue,He promised to bring me at that howre,When I should see, that would me nearer moue,And driue me to withdraw my blind abused loue.

Stout Priamond, but not so strong to strike,Strong Diamond, but not so stout a knight,But Triamond was stout and strong alike:On horsebacke vsed Triamond to fight,And Priamond on foote had more delight,But horse and foote knew Diamond to wield:With curtaxe vsed Diamond to smite,And Triamond to handle speare and shield,But speare and curtaxe both vsd Priamond in field.