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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Villagery \Vil"lage*ry\, n. Villages; a district of villages. [Obs.] ``The maidens of the villagery.''


n. (context obsolete English) A district of villages.

Usage examples of "villagery".

He had no taste for more cheerful images, and there are neither rural objects nor villagery in the scenes he describes, but only loneness and the solemnity of mountains.

Puck if he was not the knavish spirit that frightened the maidens of the villagery, that skimmed milk, and sometimes laboured in the green, and bootless made the housewife churn, and sometimes made the drink to bear no barm, and whether Puck did not mislead night wanderers, and then laugh at their harm, and do the work of hobgoblins?