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Vihangam Yoga is an ancient meditation technique practiced by Indian seers and sages. In the current time, it is established by Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj. Vihangam Yoga is also known as Brahmavidya, Madhu-vidya, Para Vidhya in the Indian ancient most scriptures and Vedas. "Vihangam" literally means "bird". Just as a bird leaves its base on the earth to fly high in the sky, so does Vihangam Yoga enable the human Soul ( Atma) to cut off its moorings in the Prakriti (phenomenal world) and realize its true and free nature. This knowledge is emerged from Brahma so it is also named as Brahma Vidya and who ever has gained this knowledge by practising it called Brahma Rishi. Through the Vihangam Yoga meditation, one easily raises his soul's energy to open "Kundalini shakti" (the hidden Potential in all of us) under the able guidance of a true Sadguru and attains Soul's conscious state, from where it actually starts the prayer to "Supreme Soul". This is a situation where the soul is in its own state i.e. it is not attached with Mann (Mind) and Prana – the true form.