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view as

v. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible" [syn: deem, hold, take for]

Usage examples of "view as".

It was not her first view of the place, but it was her first view as ownerowner of ruin and decay.

We kept a straight course until a fuel tanker came into view as a dark rectangle crawling across the taxiway, then we swerved and hit gravel and tore a radar scanner away from its base and straightened again with the automatic shift kicking down and giving us another surge of acceleration from the huge 5.

Only a truck between us now, but the height of the cab kept me safely out of view as we sped down toward PCH.

Westmacott her most extreme view as to the duty of the one sex and the tyranny of the other.