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Usage examples of "vastus".

Immediately Hor Vastus dispatched a dozen air scouts in as many directions to search for her.

We encounter for example the rectus femoris, the saphenous nerve, the iliotibial tract, the femoral artery, the vastus medialis, the vastus lateralis, the vastus intermedius, the gracilis, the adductor magnus, the adductor longus, the intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve and other simple premechanical devices of this nature.

The actress lifted her right leg, marveling at the swell of her own thigh muscles, at the definition between rectus femoris and vastus medialis.

It is deep, going through the vastus lateralis and into the vastus intermedius, exposing the femur.

Erano i soldati del suo esercito: occhi vasti, bocche più vaste ancora, polvere e brama in una legione ululante.

In contrasto coi vasti spazi destinati al pubblico, gli uffici sembravano ideati dal socio più giovane dello studio di architetti, se non addirittura da quello meno ca­pace.

Lieutenant Colonel Vasti Nithanivituk pulled back on his Falcon's stick and kicked in the afterburner.

Lieutenant Colonel Vasti was the leader of Trapdoor, the That force assigned to secure air superiority over U Feng.

He was reaching for the ejection handle when his stabilizer tore free with a jolt that felt like a second explosion, and Vasti was slammed into the right side of the cockpit.